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Weight Loss Pills!

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Weight-Loss Pills: Do they work?

Are you looking for Weight Loss Pills?

Let’s be honest for a moment. You’ve seen the advertisements for weight loss pills-you know the ones with those amazing before and after pictures-and you’ve wondered to yourself…do they work?

Diet pills are everywhere, they tempt from store shelves, from infomercials and from glossy magazine pages. You probably know someone who is dabbling with diet pills or maybe you’ve tried them yourself. Have you ever wondered how they work?

Weight loss pills can be broken down into 3 basic categories:

  1. Appetite Suppressants: These work just like it sounds. The appetite-regulating region of your brain (the hypothalamus) is tricked by blockage of the re-uptake of serotonin and norepinephrine. As a result you feel like you’ve just eaten a big meal, so you’re less likely to overeat.
  2. Stimulants: These types of weight loss pills used to contain a combination of ephedra and caffeine to raise energy expenditure (thermogenesis) while also reducing appetite. You’re probably aware that these pills were proven in some cases to be deadly, so ephedra was taken off the market. Stimulant pills now contain other ephedra-like substances, vitamins and caffeine. The idea is to increase energy and boost metabolism.
  3. Fat Blockers: These pills inhibit the action of the enzyme lipase, which is responsible for breaking down fat during the digestion process. The goal is to prevent a percentage of the fat you’ve eaten from being absorbed into your system.

So we return to our burning question. Do the pills work? Here’s what the diet pill companies say:

  • “You’ll lose 30lbs in 30 days”
  • “Achieve rapid weight loss results”
  • “Burn calories and fat 24 hours a day”
  • “Fights fat and delivers rapid weight loss”

Those claims are amazing…too bad they are just that-claims. It’s so tempting to imagine that those benefits could be gained just by swallowing a pill. Tempting enough to make diet pills a multibillion dollar a year industry. Hmmm, makes you wonder that if that many diet pills have been taken then why don’t we all look like swim suit models yet?

While diet pills showcase a few star subjects, none of whom live on your block, the world is full of real people who have lost weight and improved their lives with exercise and healthy eating. Check out these proven benefits of exercise:

  • Increased Weight Loss
  • Strengthens Heart and Lungs
  • Improved Sleep Pattern
  • Increased Strength
  • Improved Coordination
  • Raised Self Esteem
  • Renewed Confidence
  • Feel Good Endorphins
  • Feel Younger Than Ever
  • Improved Mood

A pill may slightly increase your metabolic rate for a time or may suppress your appetite, and you may lose a few pounds. However, a pill alone cannot produce serious or permanent weight loss. A pill cannot deliver the same results as healthy nutrition and regular exercise.

And weight loss pills have been known to give the following side effects:

  • Raised blood pressure
  • Increased risk of heart attack
  • Cramping, gas and diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Dry Mouth
  • Insomnia

The bottom line is that true weight loss can’t be achieved by a pill.

If you really want to lose weight, if you’re looking for long term health benefits then look no farther than your sneakers. That’s right, lace them up and go for a jog. Then schedule a time to meet with me.

Together we will turn you into a walking talking billboard for the benefits of exercise.

Trick or (Healthy) Treat?

Halloween is almost here and that can only mean one thing-it’s time to buy treats for the kids. And like every other year you’ll end up eating the leftovers. This year stick with healthy treats like boxed raisins, fruit cups, string cheese, granola bars or non-food items like colorful pencils, erasers or coloring books. You’ll save yourself plenty of calories.

Andy Salazar

Empower Fitness Training


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Empower Fitness Training Visalia’s Premier Personal Training Studio

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  • Eugene

    October 22, 2008

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