Visalia Personal Trainer : Personal Training Visalia : Personal Training Studio Visalia CA, Gym Visalia 30-Minute-Workouts-600x300 30 Minute Workouts

30 Minute Workouts

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We are just 2 weeks away from starting our all new 30 minute workouts.   I just finished up on the final construction of my building, and should have all of the needed equipment by the end of the week.  I am so excited about these workouts.  They are going to be unlike any other program offered in Visalia.  The workouts are going to be 30 minutes long, and involve various endurance and resistance exercises for the body.  This facility is going to be the anti-gym, a step out from the normal big box gym, and offer a real workout that gets results and pushes your body to new levels.  I will be offering a free 14 day pass once we kick start the classes.  For more information call (559)636-3488.

Andy Salazar

Empower Fitness Training


Empower Fitness Training In Visalia offering services you can not get anywhere else especially not at In Shape Health Club, Snap Fitness, or Valley’s Gym.

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