Visalia Personal Trainer : Personal Training Visalia : Personal Training Studio Visalia CA, Gym Visalia Jillian-Michaels-600x300 Getting Motivated and Staying Motivated

Getting Motivated and Staying Motivated

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We are here to provide tips for Daily Exercise Routine We all know that starting a regular exercise routine is good for us and that we feel great when we exercise.  Our stress levels go down, aches and pains disappear, and we look and feel great.  So, why is it so hard to get motivated to want to exercise?  We all seem to lack motivation to keep us inspired and exercising regularly.  Why is this?  Why is motivation so difficult to find and keep?  I am going to help you answer these questions and point you in the right direction. Together we will find your motivation, take action on it, get fit, and stay fit all year long. 

Why Motivation is important?

Motivation gives you a purpose for working out and getting fit and it gives you direction to focus your energy towards.  Everyone has there own set of reasons why they want to get fit or lose weight.  There is short term motivation like a weight loss challenge or competition, or a class reunion you want to look your best for.  Short term motivation is great to inspire you for a short period of time.  However for long term fitness and health motivation that is limitless will keep you on track for the long haul.  Examples of limitless motivation are getting fit so you can stay active and play with your kids, training for a sport to stay competitive, and losing weight so you can feel confident with your body.  You have to search yourself and give yourself that one limitless motivation key that keeps you inspired.

Why is motivation so difficult to find and keep?

Motivation is hard to find often times because we don’t look for it.  We go to the gym or start working out every start of the year or just before summer, because that’s what we are supposed to do to get in shape for the New Year or look great in our swim suit.   Our motivation is almost always short term.  For example I want to lose 5,10,15,25 pounds in 6-12 weeks, or I want to drop a size in 4 weeks.   All short term exercise goals.  What are you going to do the rest of the year?  If you only work out for 12 weeks the last time I checked there are 52 weeks in a year.  What are you going to do to keep yourself motivated all year long? 

Find your long term goal and motivation in these 5 steps.

Step One: Setting Goals

Setting a goal is like shooting at a target.  If you do not have a goal then there is no target to aim for.  What ever goal you set for yourself will give you a reason to exercise. Whether it’s a weight loss goal, fitness goal, or endurance goal, you can track your progress. 

Step Two: Plan

Plan out your fitness goal, and how you are going to attain it.  This is the self education part of your fitness quest.  Take every step to plan out your daily routine from outlining your workouts to preplanning your meals.  Once you’ve decided to exercise, take every step to make it a no hassle affair.

Step Three: Be Dedicated

Make proper nutrition and working out a part of your everyday tasks.  Just like getting up in the morning and getting ready for work, or school.  Be dedicated to setting a routine and sticking to it no matter what.  Like brushing your teeth, putting on deodorant, and eating meals.

Step Four:  Mix it up

Don’t get burned out.  Mix up your workouts every 4-6 weeks to keep it fresh and keep your body guessing and responding to your training.  This will ensure that you get the results that you want from your training and it keeps you actively engaged in your training, not just going through the motions. 

Step Four:  Enjoy your Journey

Think of working out in a positive light, and not as a negative thing you have to do.  Change your mindset and stop looking at working out or making healthy choices as a punishment, rather a reward that your body appreciates.  Eventually you will look forward to your workouts and you will be upset if you miss one.  Making healthy food choice will not be a chore, but rather a challenge of how you can make meals healthier and cut out unnecessary calories and carbohydrates.  Enjoy every milestone and goal you obtain and set new ones and keep moving forward. 

If you’ve found value in this article and would like to learn more about working with me schedule a complimentary training session.

Get started with a program that guarantees your results today!  Pick up the Phone and call (559)636-3488 for a complimentary training sessions!!

Visalia Personal Trainer : Personal Training Visalia : Personal Training Studio Visalia CA, Gym Visalia andy-s Getting Motivated and Staying Motivated

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